Michael Attree
English satirist
Moustache type: Handlebar
Born: 22 4 1965, place of birth unknown to blogger
Some men in this book, one feels, have moustaches almost by chance, as if they followed the fashion of their times or didn’t like their upper lip. Michael “Atters” Attree would certainly not fall in with their number.
Atters is the Editor of Roguishness for the satirical magazine The Chap. Readers are treated to a double-page article each issue where Atters writes, like Hunter S. Thompson on Martinis, about debauched evenings out in Soho or finding the enlightened moustache in Bollywood.
Atters also writes for Flux magazine and The Erotic Review. Away from journalism, he has turned his kid-gloved hand to TV producing and antiques dealing.
Atters is the only living member of ‘The Handlebar Club’ (started by Jimmy Edwards, qv) to be included in the catalogue. He has been chairman of the World Beard and Moustache Championships and has a website called Ministry of Moustaches. Along with Gandhi (qv), Dr Martin Luther King (qv) and Albert Einstein (qv), Atters must be considered one of the giants of this catalogue.